What is in a Name?
Yay! I came back to write another post before a month went by! I try to think of this as therapy, but I do still censor myself for fear of who might read it. But anyways, this is not a secret post. Last time I told you that DH (aka Gelly, he hates that) said we could start TTC if he gets promoted in August and that is his only criteria (whoo hoo! *fingers crossed*). I may or may not have told you that we've had our kids' names picked out almost since we got married (Aidan for boy, Raine for girl; I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this). I also may or may not have mentioned that I work at a child development center and am currently working on my own promotion (whoo hoo! with much less enthusiasm). Well, because I am what we call a "floater", I can be in any room depending on who called out or is on vacation. As a result, and because I'm just good at my job and have a memory like an elephant, I know every kid in the center and to tell you the truth, the three A...