
Showing posts from June, 2011

What is in a Name?

Yay! I came back to write another post before a month went by! I try to think of this as therapy, but I do still censor myself for fear of who might read it. But anyways, this is not a secret post. Last time I told you that DH (aka Gelly, he hates that) said we could start TTC if he gets promoted in August and that is his only criteria (whoo hoo! *fingers crossed*). I may or may not have told you that we've had our kids' names picked out almost since we got married (Aidan for boy, Raine for girl; I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this). I also may or may not have mentioned that I work at a child development center and am currently working on my own promotion (whoo hoo! with much less enthusiasm). Well, because I am what we call a "floater", I can be in any room depending on who called out or is on vacation. As a result, and because I'm just good at my job and have a memory like an elephant, I know every kid in the center and to tell you the truth, the three A...

Squee!! Excited and Trying to Contain it

First off, I know, I know. I am horrible at blogging. Maybe I need to make a reminder in my phone to write a new post every week. I have to start forming good habits... Anyways... what am I so excited about you ask? Baby fever! But it's not really just me this time. Nigel has agreed that we can start trying to conceive if he gets promoted. We won't find out until August, but I am just squirming in my seat trying to control myself. I asked my husband if he had a list of things he wanted to do before we had a baby and he said no, he doesn't think of babies that way. When I asked for clarification, he said that he doesn't really believe that babies prevent you from doing stuff that you want to do. I tend to agree with him. I feel bad for people that think of having children as a burden and a hindrance to their fun life. And I greatly respect those that include their kids in the things they find fun (of course I'm not talking drinking and partying hard). Around here in...