Motrin for Baby Fever... Make a list!
I am a terrible blogger. I'm hoping to get better at it and use it as some sort of anxiety therapy. Anyways... I have, of late, been stricken with baby fever. I work at a child development center and love the babies and toddlers (preschoolers, not so much, but I'm sure I'd love my own). I talked with my aunt and she acted as a dosage of Motrin to my fever. I knew it would subside eventually anyway, but she was very helpful. I have several reasons for wanting to get pregnant now, some good, some.... not so good. I'm comfortable with children. I want to have one of my own to raise and teach and show the world. My friends are starting to get pregnant (the not-so-good reason). My husband and I agree on most parenting tactics. I've been looking into the attachment parenting discipline. I'm fascinated, but I think sometimes people take it a little too far. I do want to breastfeed without having to supplement with formula. I know it's not as easy as one would hope ...