Motrin for Baby Fever... Make a list!

I am a terrible blogger. I'm hoping to get better at it and use it as some sort of anxiety therapy.

Anyways... I have, of late, been stricken with baby fever. I work at a child development center and love the babies and toddlers (preschoolers, not so much, but I'm sure I'd love my own). I talked with my aunt and she acted as a dosage of Motrin to my fever. I knew it would subside eventually anyway, but she was very helpful.

I have several reasons for wanting to get pregnant now, some good, some.... not so good. I'm comfortable with children. I want to have one of my own to raise and teach and show the world. My friends are starting to get pregnant (the not-so-good reason). My husband and I agree on most parenting tactics. I've been looking into the attachment parenting discipline. I'm fascinated, but I think sometimes people take it a little too far. I do want to breastfeed without having to supplement with formula. I know it's not as easy as one would hope sometimes, but it is natural and I like to keep things in my life as natural as I can afford to. Another attachment parenting principle I like is homeschooling, but my husband thinks homeschooled children are socially inept. I don't think he knows any homeschooled people though. I also just read about unschooling... another principle that fascinates me. I'm not sure how it would really work, though. Oh, and I want to use cloth diapers, the only other thing my husband's not on board with yet (he's afraid of poop). But I think I should get back on topic. I'll write another entry about my potential parenting style.

This post is about what I think is good treatment for baby fever. I have it. My husband gets nervous every time I even mention it. He wants kids for sure, but doesn't think we're ready. I don't believe he thinks so for the right reasons because his main concern is money, but I understand his anxiety so I don't really push the subject. My aunt helped me to think about all that comes with having a baby and while I still think we could handle it, I figured that making a bucket list would be a good idea. I was also inspired by another blog I've been reading. I've been thinking of this list lately, but this is pretty much gonna be made up on the spot.

1. Lose 50 pounds. I know it seems like a lot, but it would put me back at the weight I was when I met my husband and it was when I was most comfortable in my body. It would also be a good starting point for preconception. If I went to the OB today and said I wanted to start trying to have a baby I'm sure they'd tell me to lose weight first.
2. Start a hobby. I have been looking for something to occupy myself with for a while now. I haven't looked very hard, but I'm so scatterbrained that I've never had a real hobby. I've always wanted one though. When I was younger, I really enjoyed creating things; sewing, writing, drawing, crafts, and the such.
3. Make money from above hobby. I am an entrepreneur at heart. I don't like working for people. I would love to make something useful that people would pay for. It would also give me the freedom to be a WAHM, which is definitely a dream of mine. I would love to be able to control my life so much that I could come and go as my kids needed me.
4. Take some pictures!! I know it doesn't seem like it should be that big of a deal, but as a child I loved looking through photo albums of my family; my parents at their wedding reception, pictures of me and my mom when it was still just us. My husband and I have NO photos. We have some on facebook, but only ones that others have taken of us. I have no problem with only having digital photo albums (we are very tech-friendly people), but we just need more pictures.
5. Take a trip! Mostly because of money, we're always at home. Or in the general area. I look forward to traveling on family trips when we have kids, but from what I understand, it is a good idea to take vacations together alone first. I would like to visit my cousin in Cali or maybe a vacay in Florida, I don't know. Somewhere romantic, maybe with some historical stuff to check out. I'm an ancient history fiend.

And that's all I have for now. Shouldn't be hard right? Wrong.. Scatterbrained, remember? Finding and keeping a hobby might be one of the most difficult things I'll do before getting pregnant. And a profitable one at that? I'm open to suggestions of course. I think this post is long enough now. I've watched two or three movies and I'm starting to get tired. Be back soon(er, hopefully).


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