Old Ideas Coming Back
I was talking to Nigel and doing a little reading around the all-knowing and all-powerful Internet (All Hail). And I remembered an idea that I had back when I was in high school. I loved magazines, but I never subscribed to any because there wasn't enough in any of them that I could truly relate to. So I came up with the idea of starting a magazine for black teen girls. My mom thought it was a good idea, but like every idea I come up with, I didn't follow through. I couldn't think of a good name. But as I was reading an article on things that guys don't understand about women and reading some of the things off to my husband, he commented on some stuff that he doesn't understand. We realized that the concerns that he had that were not on the list were related to black women. I thought that maybe I should start up a site where black people could read about sexual and relationship concerns that they could relate to. Then I remembered my old idea about a magazine for b...