Beauty and Style Sense (and my lack-there-of)

Ok, that might be a little harsh on myself. I do know I am beautiful (even if there are some things I'd like to change) and I have a sense of style (I just don't really have any actual style). So sometimes on our weekly constitutionals to Borders or Barnes and Noble, I'll grab a beauty or style manual and actually learn something!

My makeup regimen (if you could call it that) consists of applying eyeliner and/or mascara every blue moon... and that's being generous. I don't even own any cream foundation. I do have a Bare Minerals kit that I bought years ago before I even met my husband and it's just a one-size-fits-all starter kit for the melanin-blessed. I have a pot of powder blush by Bare Minerals also and the only brushes I have are the two that came with that kit. I grab cheap eye shadow every now and then and never use it. It doesn't help that every time I put makeup on my husband gives me the "ugh, are you wearing makeup?" comment. I am very interested in makeup, but I think I'm just not too keen on techniques for keeping it simple. I know what I need, but I balk at prices when I go somewhere as simple as Ulta. Also, I am horrible at making decisions and there are always so many choices!!! I often want to stop at the Bobbi Brown counter at Dillards, but I know I can't afford anything so why bother the nice associates? And when trying to find something on my own I get self-conscious about testing too many different products.

Ahhh, and style... It mostly confounds me. I am learning, though. Through books and magazines I have started to get a grasp on what shape of clothes I should get for my body type. I'm lucky to be an hourglass shape. Even with 50 extra pounds I still have a defined waist (my side, profile, view is not as impressive, though). My biggest problem is, and has always been, my bust. I've had big boobs since 3rd grade and they haven't gotten any smaller. It makes wearing cute summer clothes almost impossible and just walking around in a cute cami? Forget it. So that also cuts out a lot of spaghetti strap sun dresses. Even finding a simple t-shirt or sweater can be a challenge. I even considered making a clothing line especially for bustier women. Then I realized I know nothing of fashion, and, while I was taught to sew during summer stays with my grandma, my skill level is still that of an intermediate.

But I have learned that I am not alone. Many Black women struggle with finding the right foundations for their skin. Often we need two or three different shades to blend the different tones on our faces. Makeup companies are just starting to get with carrying shades that will work for women of color. Also, models like Naomi Sims and Iman started their own lines to provide better options. And as far as style? Just watching a few What Not to Wear episodes will give me a boost of confidence (at least I'm not that bad) and some really good tips (texture, color, pattern, shine, and shape... wait is that right?). I'm doing my studying. Learning what staples I should have in my wardrobe (soooo slacking on this), and hoping to start buying one piece at a time. Anyone else having their own struggles in these areas?


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